Positive gets positive

I started with a compliment about how Suvath is generous. He gave candy to two people who got together and left him out. He was laying on his back at bedtime taking in my rambling about being nice even when people are not nice, taking the high road and not resorting to revenge. I talked to him about how revenge leaves you feeling negative and how doing a good deed leaves you feeling positive irrespective of how the others react to your actions.

He dejectedly told me he was generous and did the right thing but still didn’t get any blessing. I said “ah! I know why it’s because we keep forgetting to do our thankful list.. we forget about our blessings list.. we all need reminders.. I’m like that too..”

He initiated his list seeing my excited recalling of the fact. He made a long list of things he was thankful for and said, “See mommy my list is very long!!!” I smiled with love and gratitude.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I Appreciate your presence here. My best to you. ❤️ @wordspenspoken

Contentment – Is the grass greener in the Little Mermaid’s Castle?

There will be boring days, there will be exciting days and that’s just how everyone’s life is. Duh! ​But hey, we all need reminders.

Amanda had had a long…hard… day. As she wiped down the last stretch of the kitchen countertops, inhaling the gentle lemon scent of the disinfectant spray, she yawned several times. It was one of those days when she was too tired to do one more thing before she went to bed.

However, just like every other day, she knew she had to push herself through, until all responsibilities were done. When she was almost there at the finish line (Yoo-hoo, Woo-hoo!!), she was both looking forward and not looking forward to this one – a Talk-cuddle time with her 8 year old daughter Sarah before kissing her goodnight.

Amanda always tried her best to be present and enthusiastic for this activity, since there was something about these ten minutes that made her daughter open up and connect with her like no other time of the day. Her pediatrician told her back in the day when Sarah was a toddler that, this one-to-one time with the child at bed-time would go a long way in their relationship.

Today it was a real effort and she wished she could have just had this talk earlier in the day when she wasn’t as tired or sleepy. But she knew in her heart that there was a mental release in both of them at the end of the day and an intimacy and quietness that could not be recreated at other times or at other places.

Not wanting to compromise, Amanda resigned into her daughter’s bouncy queen bed and snuggled under the covers. Leaning her back against the pillow, she took a deep breath as she wished for a small escape from her mundane days that involved the same routine every day- of cooking, dishes, cleaning, taking care of the needs of her husband Eric and of course the center of their world- Sarah. The scent of lavender from her daughters hair seemed somewhat calming and helped her unwind.

Her thoughts wandered and her heart yearned for some excitement at the possibility of living a magical life – maybe the life of a princess. Not just a human princess – no that would be too ordinary – how about a mermaid turned princess? Now that sounded satisfying in Amanda’s brain. It involved magic, love and excitement. She casually mentioned to her daughter as they got ready for their talk-time, “Wouldn’t it be really exciting to be a mermaid princess like Ariel?”

Art by Sana. Art edited using Clip 2 Comic.

Sarah thought for a moment. Her answer to come would stun Amanda. Her sweet little girl had grown on so many levels. When Sarah was younger, this bed-time routine involved a story-time with Amanda reading books to her. But Sarah was now an avid reader and always read books before bedtime herself.

Sarah bluntly remarked to her mother’s comment on Ariel’s life, being an exciting prospect: “Ariel had issues. She was a mermaid, but she was so curious about the life on the shore that she lied to her dad and sneaked up to the shore. She fell in love with a human prince and wanted to change from being mermaid to human so she could get married to him. She was not happy where she was.”

Amanda was now wide eyed at the realization of how people struggle with being happy where they are! And her own life didn’t feel as bad anymore once she realized that Ariel’s wasn’t perfect either. Ariel’s story was not real, but hers was and she had the choice to appreciate the good things. And all from her little baby girl’s perspective!

There will be boring days, there will be exciting days and that’s just how everyone’s life is. Duh! But hey, we all need reminders.

And so, Amanda realized that the grass was not greener on the other side, it was just the bad angle that made it appear so. She just had to look longer at her own side of grass, water it when needed and enjoy the growth!

This was a sweet little moment for her. She felt warm love and affection in her heart and remembered how lucky she was for her family and how she loved them and everything about them.

Amanda cheerfully declared “You’re right sweetie!!!, you are so RIGHT!” She thanked Sarah for her wise words, gave her a tight hug, told her how proud she was of her and how much she loved her.

After she kissed her goodnight, she said, I’m as happy as I can possibly be, right where I am.

-Based on a true story-

Appreciate your presence here. My best to you. ❤️ @wordspenspoken